Example arguments to solve all instances in a directory, with 10 agents:
-a 10 -iDir <instances_path>
to see the available options.-h
to see the available options.java -jar MAPF.jar -h
The following algorithms are set to run by default: CBS and Prioritised Planning. Currently, choosing different algorithms is only possible by changing the code and re-compiling.
Modify the Main.java
file to run your experiment. Examples are provided in the ExampleMain.java
How to create a single instance
In order to create a single MAPF_Instance you will need:
1. An InstanceManager
public InstanceManager(I_InstanceBuilder instanceBuilder)
1.1 Instance Builders parse instance files
examples: 'InstanceBuilder_MovingAI', 'InstanceBuilder_BGU'
2. An absulute path to the file, wrapped as an InstancePath object
In the Environment.RunManagers.A_RunManager class there is a static method you can call:
public static MAPF_Instance getInstanceFromPath(InstanceManager manager,
InstanceManager.InstancePath absolutePath)
How to run single\multiple Experiments
In order to run experiments you will need:
RunManager class that extends Environment.RunManagers.A_RunManager and implements the following
1. abstract void setSolvers(); // choose solvers to add (one or more)
Example: solvers.add(new CBS_Solver())
2. abstract void setExperiments(); // choose experiments
* You can view or modify the default report fields in method 'setReport'.
Add an Experiment class:
public Experiment(String experimentName, InstanceManager instanceManager, int numOfInstances)
2.1 Experiment name: give it a unique name, to differentiate between experiment
2.2 An InstanceManager
public InstanceManager(String sourceDirectory,
I_InstanceBuilder instanceBuilder,
InstanceProperties properties)
2.2.1 sourceDirectory - A path to the directory with the instances
2.2.2 Instance Builders parse instance files
examples: 'InstanceBuilder_MovingAI', 'InstanceBuilder_BGU'
2.2.3 Instance Properties - In case you want to filter instances by criteria
@param mapSize - {@link MapDimensions} indicates the Axis lengths. 0 for unknown
@param obstacles - For unknown obstacles enter -1
@param numOfAgents - An array of different amounts of agents.
2.3 numOfInstances - You can choose how many instances you want for the experiment
Note: default = Integer.MAX_VALUE
Designed by Jonathan Morag and Yonatan Zax.
Started at 2019 at the heuristic search group of the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Conflict Based Search (CBS) is based on:
Sharon, G., Stern, R., Felner, A., & Sturtevant, N. R. (2015). Conflict-based search for optimal multi-agent pathfinding. Artificial Intelligence, 219, 40-66.
Li, Jiaoyang, et al. "New techniques for pairwise symmetry breaking in multi-agent path finding." Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. Vol. 30. 2020.
Increasing Cost Tree Search (ICTS) is based on:
Sharon, Guni, et al. "The increasing cost tree search for optimal multi-agent pathfinding." Artificial Intelligence 195 (2013): 470-495.
Sharon, Guni, et al. "Pruning techniques for the increasing cost tree search for optimal multi-agent pathfinding." Fourth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search. 2011.
ICTS implementation based on (with permission) github.com/idomarko98/CBS_ICTS
Prioritised Planning is based on:
Silver, David. "Cooperative pathfinding." Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence and interactive digital entertainment. Vol. 1. No. 1. 2005.
Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) is based on:
Li, Jiaoyang, et al. "Anytime multi-agent path finding via large neighborhood search." Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2021.